​Screens: back to the past for the show “Star Académie”

Despite a less resounding success last year than that of previous editions, Star Academy will be back on TVA starting Sunday. The first gala will mark the return of the reality TV aspect, which made the success of tele-hook in the early 2000s, but which had been left aside last year in a spirit of renewal.

The candidates will again be filmed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as in the time of the first version hosted by Julie Snyder between 2003 and 2012. Helix Télé and Videotron Mobile subscribers will have access to these images at all times. on the Web.

“It’s one of the classics of Star Academy. Last year, people asked us this: they wanted to have live access to everything that happens in the academy. […] And the novelty this year is that we also put cameras in the buses and in the MELS studio during rehearsals, ”enthused the executive producer, Jean-Philippe Dion, in a press briefing Thursday.

For the rest, the next season should not stray too far from that of last year, which had surprised with a very “left field” turn, both by the profile of the academicians and by the visual invoice of the daily newspapers and varieties.

Reach a younger audience

This metamorphosis, which has the avowed objective of reaching a younger audience, has not made it possible to repeat the feat of the first seasons, at least last year. With figures oscillating between 1.3 and 1.7 million viewers on Sunday evening, Star Academy 2021 had also done worse than The voice, which was close to 2 million ratings on average during its last season on TVA.

Star Academy had great success last year. We were very happy to see that the show was still so unifying and to see that it reaches audiences of all ages. […] So it was without hesitation that we had to come back this year with Star Academy “, however, underlined in a press briefing Nathalie Fabien, senior director, channels and programming for the TVA Group.

In French !

Last year, the greater artistic freedom granted to the candidates had allowed them to push the note in English more often than in the past. What scratch the ears of some viewers.

A situation unthinkable at the time of Julie Snyder, when almost all academicians sang in French when they were put in danger, but which seems to be repeated this year.

During the last phase of the auditions, which is broadcast this week on TVA, barely half of the competitors chose to perform a song in the language of Vigneault and Charlebois.

“French took an already important place last season, French was still in the majority on each of the varieties. Serge Denoncourt will also put on a number that pays tribute to the greatest French songs this season. It shows how important it is for us to transmit that, ”defended Jean-Philippe Dion after being questioned on the subject by The duty.

Renowned guests

In addition to Serge Denoncourt, several artists have announced their participation in the adventure Star Academy. Ariane Moffat, Louis-Jean Cormier, Vincent Vallières and rapper FouKi will take turns going to the Waterloo manor to provide advice to young academics throughout the season.

Singer Laurence Nerbonne co-signed the theme song, while Daniel Bélanger will be the first guest at Sunday’s gala.

How far away it seems, the time when several artists were hesitant about the idea of ​​participating in Star Academy, skinned for its mercantile side.

Lara Fabian will occupy the chair of director of the academy again this year. The interpreter of I love you has also been a coach recently at The Voice in France, where she could sometimes give the impression of being more decisive in her comments to the candidates than at Star Academy. Should there be a cultural difference?

“There is a real desire in Quebec to bring out the quintessence of all that is most human in someone. On this note, there can be a real difference. But when it comes to my approach, I always try to get in tune with the person in front of me. […] So I can’t really make a territorial difference, ”she replied Thursday, visibly annoyed by the remark.

Gregory Charles and Guylaine Tremblay will join the Belgian diva within the faculty, while Marc Dupré will lead the animation of the Sunday galas, where foreign artists are expected.

The presence of Julien Clerc in a few weeks is already confirmed. Mitsou, she will make her big comeback on stage with a colorful number bringing together her greatest hits, we are promised.

A studio without an audience

All this in a studio without an audience, for the moment in any case, pandemic obliges. “We will follow the evolution of the pandemic and we will adjust. But tell yourself that we did not leave the stands very far. As soon as someone gives us the go, we will complete it in 15 minutes, ”said Denis Dubois, vice-president of original content at Quebecor Content, as a wish.

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