“Our readers don’t need to be reminded of their age,” says the editorial director

The monthly magazine for those over 50 is changing its formula, from October 7, 2024, to better meet the expectations of its readers in the digital age and invites Riad Sattouf and his mother.



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Marie Auffret, the editorial director of the monthly "Our time"Thursday October 3, 2024. (RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE INFO)

“Our time was created in 1968 for retirees, notes Marie Auffret, the editorial director, at the time there was talk of a social death for them“After 56 years of existence, it makes a completely different observation.”It’s a magazine that happens a lot in the family, which is leafed through, there are lots of interesting things in society, in health, in law, in many fields“. To stay in tune with the times, the monthly is launching a new formula, Monday October 7, 2024. Completed, the image of the magazine for the third and fourth ages stored cars. Our time frees herself from this stigmatizing image, because, she says, “our readers do not need to be reminded every page of their age. If I work for SheI don’t need to remind my readers that they are women“.

This change in formula is also taking place at a time when we are seeing a reversal of trend in the treatment of those over 50 in the media, who sensed this new vein coming. Antoine de Caunes, for example, has just launched the magazine Old. Maïtena Biraben has launched a digital media for women over 50. We were able to follow a 60-year-old Bachelor on M6 who was looking for love. A movement which does not surprise Marie Auffret.

“Today, around one in four French people is over 65. This only reflects a form of demographic reality.”

Marie Auffret, editorial director of “Notre temps”

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So yes, Our time always gives pride of place on television, to questions of purchasing power, health, now gardening with Alain Baraton, the head gardener of Versailles, but also has new themes emanating from the demand of readers whose centers of interest have evolved. Questions around digital technology and social networks exploded after the pandemic and confinements. “We really saw our readers take charge of all these digital questions, becoming experts in WhatsApp, in smartphonesshe explains, and we also feel that they want to be fed so that they can cope better, communicate better“Leads will be made available to them in this new formula with tips and tricks to avoid scams which are difficult to ferret out,”We help them in this“, specifies Marie Auffret.

The leading French monthly magazine with its 300,000 subscribers and a circulation of 500,000 copies, also inaugurates an unexpected new section. It’s new! From now on, we will find in the magazine four pages by Riad Sattouf who will tell us about his mother. A mother straight out of her series The Arab of the futurewhich was born in the 1950s and which will go through the entire history of the Trente Glorieuses. “Each month, we can find the story of Clémentine, the Breton mother of Riad Sattouf“, rejoices Marie Auffret.

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