Marine Le Pen draws her red lines against the new Prime Minister

The president of the RN group in the Assembly is calling in particular for a new immigration law at the start of 2025 to take over “the provisions censored by the Constitutional Council” of the previous immigration law.



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Marine Le Pen delivers a speech in response to Prime Minister Michel Barnier's general policy declaration at the National Assembly in Paris, October 1, 2024. (ALAIN JOCARD / AFP)

Marine Le Pen made her demands to the National Assembly on Tuesday, October 1, in response to Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration. Immigration, security, purchasing power, propositional… The president of the National Rally group in the Assembly put pressure on the new government. “More than ever, we intend to be a force for construction”assured the far-right leader, to better call on the head of government to “show courage”. The new Prime Minister does not have an absolute majority in the Assembly and a motion of censure tabled by the left and voted for by the RN could overthrow him.

A new immigration law

Marine Le Pen demanded from Michel Barnier’s government a new immigration law, taking up the measures censored by the Constitutional Council during the examination of the previous law. “We ask you (…) to put back on the agenda, from the first quarter of 2025, a restrictive immigration law, incorporating at a minimum the provisions censored by the Constitutional Council” after the adoption with the support of the RN of the law presented less than a year ago by the government of Elisabeth Borne.

The boss of the RN deputies placed this request in the “red lines” likely to motivate censorship of the government by his group. The National Rally, which has ruled out the idea of ​​censoring Michel Barnier’s government a priori, intends to take advantage of its position as arbiter to influence the government’s political line, leaving the threat of censorship already supported by the left looming . The leader of the far-right group also called for “denounce the preferential agreements, totally unjustified, which bind us to certain countries, starting with Algeria” in matters of immigration.

Legislative reform

Another requirement of the RN, the implementation “as soon as possible” an institutional reform establishing a dose of proportionality in legislative elections. Marine Le Pen, however, called for the new voting method to still make it possible to “achieve a majority”proposing a “one-round proportional vote, with a majority bonus”.

Prime Minister Michel Barnier assured that he “heard the calls for more representativeness” and said to himself “ready for reflection and action without ideology on proportional voting”. It remains to be seen what the terms of this new voting method will be. From the left to the MoDem, many political leaders have rallied around the idea of ​​proportional representation, but the formats can vary from one group to another.

An improvement in purchasing power

The far-right leader also demanded compensation for possible tax increases on the purchasing power of the French “modest”. “Any increase in taxes on the wealthiest, whether we are talking about businesses or households, will have to be offset by the purchasing power returned to our modest fellow citizens, who are working and have seen their remaining living expenses melt away for three years”she insisted. Marine Le Pen had recently called on Emmanuel Macron to resort to referendums, particularly on “purchasing power, immigration, security, health”.

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