Seven community and political activists placed in police custody in Hendaye, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, for helping migrants

They were placed in police custody as part of an investigation into assisting the entry and stay of people in an irregular situation in organized gangs. A rally in support of the activists took place in front of the police station.

Article written by

franceinfo – with France Bleu Basque Country

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

Around 300 people gathered in front of the Hendaye police station (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) in support of the seven summoned activists. (RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE BLEU / MARGA BERRA ZUBIETA)

Seven community and political activists were placed in police custody in Hendaye (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) on Wednesday October 2 for having helped migrants, noted France Bleu Pays basque. They were summoned at 9 a.m. and immediately placed in police custody as part of an investigation into assisting the entry and stay of illegal immigrants in organized gangs.

These are seven activists from the migrant aid association Bidasoa Etorkinekin, but also from the Basque union LAB, the Abertzale (autonomist) political platform EH Bai and La France Insoumise (LFI), including a former candidate for the legislative elections.

In front of the Hendaye police station, around 300 people gathered in support of the seven activists, noted France Bleu Pays basque. The demonstrators chanted “Euskal Herria, harrera herria” (“Basque Country, welcoming land”), to the rhythm of encouraging applause.

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