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The peak of the fifth wave of Covid-19 should be reached in the coming days, according to the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. The French contamination curve still follows, with a week lag, that of the United Kingdom, which has reversed.
For the past few days, the fifth wave of Covid-19 would stall, according to some signs that have emerged in the UK. The Omicron variant surged there before spreading to France. However, for a week, contaminations have been decreasing across the Channel. The peak of the epidemic was reached during the holiday season. “We hope that the contaminations continue to decrease, but the children returned to school this week. It could give strength to the epidemic”, warns Simon R. Clarke, professor of microbiology at the University of Reading (UK).
In France, contamination is not decreasing. However, the latest figures suggest a slowdown. The epidemic continues to progress, but more slowly, an encouraging sign. The Omicron variant, very contagious, would be for much in the slowing down. “We are reaching the end of the reservoir of people likely to be infected, and because we are reaching the end of this reservoir, the virus is struggling to make secondary cases. This is why the generations of infected are no longer renewed “, explains Pascal Crepey, epidemiologist at the Ecole de Hautes Estudies in Public Health of Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine).