university received more alerts for hazing and sexual assault

The president of the university speaks of “shocking and unacceptable acts, punishable by law and unworthy of the values ​​held by [son] university”, reports France Bleu Touraine, Tuesday.

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franceinfo – with France Bleu Touraine

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

The medical faculty of Tours (Indre-et-Loire), April 29, 2022. (NR / MAXPPP)

After the revelations of France Bleu Touraine last week about a sexist banner displayed during an evening of medical students in Tours (Indre-et-Loire), the university revealed in an email addressed to students on Tuesday October 1, having received “other alerts concerning acts of hazing and sexual assaults committed during medical student parties”.

A sexist banner was displayed during a medical student evening in September. It showed a naked woman, unconscious, in a gigantic cocktail glass, with, above her, a penis leaking drops of semen, and the inscription “GHBites” in reference to the acronym GHB, in reference to “rapist drug”. The University of Tours then indicated that it had issued a report to the public prosecutor.

The president of the university, Arnaud Giacometti, signatory of the email sent to students on Tuesday, strongly condemns these acts. He describes them “shocking and unacceptable acts, punishable by law and unworthy of the values ​​held by [son] university”reports France Bleu Touraine. He did “a report of these facts to the Public Prosecutor, in accordance with article 40 of the code of criminal procedure” And “in consultation with the dean of the UFR medicine”.

The president also indicates that he “referred to the competent authorities so that an administrative investigation likely to result in disciplinary action can be carried out”in conjunction with the rectorate, the ministry and the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research. “Once the conclusions of the investigation are rendered, those responsible for these acts will be punished”promises the president of the university.

Pending the conclusions of the investigation, Arnaud Giacometti announces that the labeling by the university of the Tours Rifle Association (ACT) is suspended. The university will not examine new grant requests from ACT, the medical students association of Tours, organizer of the student evening.

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