“It’s a call for help that we are launching to the public authorities,” declares Arnaud Robinet



Video length: 4 min

Hospital crisis: “It’s a call for help that we are launching to the public authorities,” declares Arnaud Robinet
Today, the situation of the public hospital is very serious. Arnaud Robinet, president of the French Hospital Federation and mayor (Horizons) of Reims, spoke in Le 20 Heures de France 2. He discusses the worrying situation of hospitals in France.
(France 2)

Today, the situation of the public hospital is very serious. Arnaud Robinet, president of the French Hospital Federation and mayor (Horizons) of Reims, spoke in Le 20 Heures de France 2. He discusses the worrying situation of hospitals in France.

“The financial situation of hospitals is catastrophic. As we speak, the debt of hospitals is around two billion euros, caused in particular by inflation which has not been taken into account”explains Arnaud Robinet. He also adds: “The real subject is the lack of doctors (…) When you are in deficit, what are the two positions that you cut back on? These are investments and human resources.”

“It is a call for help that we are launching to the public authorities, that we are addressing to the Minister of Health…”declares the president of the French Hospital Federation before continuing: “We are asking for a programming law, visibility in the medium and long term. What are the public health objectives? What are the means we are putting in place?”

Watch the fullinterview in the video above

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