in the wheel of teachers, Atsem, AESH and school nurses on strike and angry

This Thursday afternoon, 200 people gathered in front of the Direction of the Departmental Services of National Education (DSDEN) of Yonne, in Auxerre. Striking teachers and parents of students in particular responded to the union’s call to protest against the successive changes to health protocols at school.

Working conditions, wages and better recognition of the profession were also at the heart of the demands, while late in the evening, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, announced the provision of “five million FFP2 masks” and the recruitment of “3,300 more contract workers” to deal with the crisis.

But it’s not just the teachers who made their voices heard on Thursday. Many other National Education professionals are angry. Like Catherine, Atsem at the kindergarten in Charmoy. This specialized nursery school territorial agent does not understand the multiple changes in health protocols and calls for “more resources”.

Stop changing protocol every five minutes! – Nathalie, Atsem to Charmoy

In constant contact with unmasked children, as she faces a shortage of masks and tests, she feels “permanently in danger”, but also “tired, exhausted and no longer very motivated”. For Nathalie, also Atsem in Charmoy, the cup is full: “Let’s stop changing protocol every five minutes! We really feel like we’re being taken on a boat. And then, you have to half-turn into a security guard, check the passes… It’s not whatever!”

Carole experiences the same difficulties. Basically, the Covid complicates her job as an AESH (accompanying student with disabilities): “I’m in first grade with a little boy to teach him to read and speak correctly. But with the mask, and his dyslexia, it’s very difficult.” And when sanitary equipment cannot be found, it is even more of a hassle. “In 2020, we had masks but afterwards, not at all. Last year, we had a few self-tests, a box of five. Now it comes from my pocket! Last week, I bought five for 25 euros. But I don’t have an extended salary!”

Of course, we got no bonus! – Karima, school nurse in Joigny

Like teachers, these professions are demanding better recognition of their profession at the heart of the pandemic, and it starts with a better pay slip, insists Karima, school nurse at the regional adapted education establishment (EREA) Jules-Verne de Joigny : “Of course, we didn’t get any bonus! There was indeed an exchange by video with the Dasen (Academic Director of the National Education Services) who thanked us for being there, but that’s all! Yet “, raising salaries could invite colleagues to come and work for the National Education. But that’s not a dream, given the amount of work and the investment… Frankly, there is a lot of fatigue.”

Exhausted but above all “angry” the icaunaise nurse, who also gives a layer on the lack of masks for teachers with fragile health and students “precarious” and the absence of air purifiers.

What figures for the mobilization in Yonne and for the rectorate?

Philippe Wante, departmental secretary of the FSU union, indicated this Thursday a strike rate of 72% in the first degree and more than 50% in colleges and high schools in Yonne. At the level of the rectorate of Dijon, the academic services affirm that the rate of strikers is 27.07% (33.59% in the first degree and 19.2% in the second degree) against 31.07% at the national level. Another general and national strike is scheduled for Thursday, January 27 at the call of several public service unions.

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