While the trial concerning the RN’s European parliamentary assistants began on Monday, franceinfo returns to the rules for hiring and financing this aid to MEPs.
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The trial of Marine Le Pen, 24 other people and the National Rally, suspected of having embezzled funds from the European Parliament to pay party employees, opened Monday September 30 before the Paris criminal court. According to the prosecution, these assistants only worked for the party, which is prohibited. Franceinfo explains to you what a European parliamentary assistant can and cannot do. Because even if there are vague areas, its role is regulated.
Tasks linked to the activity of the MEP
In the regulations of the European Parliament, it is written that a parliamentary assistant can only be paid for tasks directly linked to the activity of the MEP he assists. The regulation does not, however, prohibit combining several functions. Parliament simply specifies that assistants must not carry out activities likely to create a conflict of interest.
Furthermore, the MEP is free to choose his parliamentary assistant, but they cannot be related.
A salary scale
The salary of the parliamentary assistant is also regulated. There is a salary scale which starts at around 1,600 euros and can reach up to 7,500 euros. In fact, each MEP has an envelope for all of their personnel costs from which they draw, in particular to pay their parliamentary assistants. This year, the amount of this envelope is 30,000 euros per month and the remuneration of assistants must be validated by the competent service of the European Parliament.
Two types of parliamentary assistants
First there are the accredited parliamentary assistants. They work in Brussels or Strasbourg, and notably write reports. They are paid directly by the European Parliament.
Local parliamentary assistants, on the other hand, follow their MEP on a daily basis in his constituency, that is to say in the country where he was elected. These assistants have a more political role, meeting citizens or explaining the work of their MEP in Brussels. Unlike those who remain in Parliament, local assistants directly sign an employment contract with their MEP and this contract complies with national law.
But whatever their status, the MEP’s parliamentary assistant is paid with European funds.