Spain authorizes a fourth dose of vaccine for very vulnerable people

The people concerned are certain cancer patients, people who have been transplanted, on dialysis, or those receiving immunosuppressive treatment.

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New green light for a fourth dose in Europe. After Denmark, it is Spain’s turn to authorize a fourth dose of vaccine against Covid-19 for very vulnerable people. This was announced Thursday, January 13, the health authorities. More specifically, certain cancer patients, transplant recipients, people on dialysis or those receiving immunosuppressive treatment are concerned, said the Ministry of Health, specifying that this booster dose would come five months after their third dose.

For the general population, the third dose of vaccine will now be accessible from the age of 18, and not from 40 as is currently the case. This reminder may take place five months after the last dose, and not six months as before.

With 90.5% of its population over the age of 12 fully vaccinated, Spain is one of the champions of vaccination in the world. A total of 38.5% of children aged 5 to 11 also received at least one dose of vaccine.

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