“All the objectives set will be achieved,” assures Vladimir Putin

“We are all fighting for a secure future,” said the master of the Kremlin, two years to the day after the annexation of four Ukrainian regions.


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Vladimir Putin in Moscow, September 27, 2024. (SERGEY ILYIN / AFP)

The Russian president intends to continue his war. Vladimir Putin assured, Monday September 30, that “all the objectives set will be achieved” in Ukraine, in the midst of armed conflict. “The truth is on our side”he said in a video, congratulating the Russian people on “Reunification Day” with four Ukrainian regions. He greeted a “fateful event” which imposed itself two years ago to protect, according to him, the Russian-speaking inhabitants of these Ukrainian regions against a “neo-Nazi dictatorship” and a “radical nationalism”.

“We have not abandoned our brothers and sisters”he underlined, once again defending “the necessity and legitimacy of the special military operation” Russian, term which designates in Russia the assault launched against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, officially for “demilitarize” And “denazify” this Russian neighbor. “Today we are all fighting for a secure and thriving future for our children and grandchildren”affirmed the master of the Kremlin.

On September 30, 2022, Vladimir Putin signed and formalized the annexation of the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as those of Zaporizhia and Kherson. These regions that Moscow only partially controls had voted for their attachment to Russia during referendums not recognized by kyiv and the international community.

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