are food supplements really effective?


Video length: 3 min

Consumption: are food supplements really effective?
Consumption: are food supplements really effective?
(France 2)

Spotlight, this Saturday, September 28, on the promises of food supplements, a vast market worth nearly 3 billion euros.

Anti-stress, slimming, revitalizing… Food supplements have become essential. At 69, retired Joëlle Veieilly spends around 30 euros per month on various supplements, including magnesium, zinc and melatonin. 61% of French people have consumed food supplements in the last two years. “When you have a balanced diet (…) it is absolutely not useful [d’en] take“, however, notes Dr Diana Kadouch, nutritionist at Bichat hospital (AP-HP).

In pharmacies, entire shelves are devoted to self-service supplements. Sales are constantly increasing: from 1.35 billion euros in turnover in 2013 to 2.7 billion in 2023. France is one of the largest consumers in Europe, behind Italy and Germany. But be careful: even natural, they can be dangerous for your health. Some effects could even “lead to hospitalizations“, says Aymeric Dopter, head of the nutrition risk assessment unit at ANSES.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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