a few hours before the legislative elections, the far right seems to have the wind in its sails

The far right is ahead in the polls on the eve of the legislative elections. The party president held his last campaign meeting in Vienna on Friday, in front of a won over crowd.


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The president of the far-right party Herbert Kickl at the foot of Saint Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, Friday September 27. (JOE KLAMAR / AFP)

Austrians are called to vote in the legislative elections on Sunday September 29. The far-right hopes to win for the first time this legislative election which should make it possible to appoint the next chancellor. In a context of the rise of the far-right in Europe, the FPÖ (Freedom Party of Austria) believes in its chances. The latest polls credit him with a slight lead, at 27% against 25% for his main opponent, the conservative party in power.

The far-right candidate, Herbert Kickl, 55, has been at the head of the party for three years. He held a final meeting in front of a large crowd on Friday evening in Vienna, at the foot of Saint Stephen’s Cathedral, the emblem of the capital.

Sleeveless jacket over white shirt, he promises change, amid the red and white Austrian flags. “We’re going to get first place, he chants. We will be those who work for the people and no longer those who govern against their people. That will be the big difference.”

The far-right candidate takes up his favorite themes: immigration, purchasing power, support for Ukraine. He undermines government policy and Irene likes that. “He speaks to us with his soul and he says what others don’t want to hear. The government always does what the European Union wants. The good example is Zelensky. How many billions does Austria give him? did she send? But for our floods there is no money.”

Karine, 64, has already attended several speeches by Herbert Kickl, but this retired flight attendant is here again this evening, because for her, ““It’s almost our last chance.” “The government has literally sent us into the wall. The economy, the health system, no longer work.”

“The education system is only getting worse with immigration and people have had enough.”

Karine, support of Herbert Kickl

at franceinfo

Sunday’s vote promises to be very open. The far right has already played the role of supporting forces in a government without ever winning the post of chancellor.

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