The last meal, by Maryse Legagneur | The liberated word

In The last mealher first fiction feature film, Maryse Legagneur features a Quebecer of Haitian origin, played by Marie-Evelyne Lessard, who collects the confidences of her father, imprisoned under the Duvalier regime. The Press met them.

Thanks to Frantz Voltaire, president of the International Center for Haitian, Caribbean and Afro-Canadian Documentation and Information (CIDIHCA), documentary filmmaker Maryse Legagneur (In the name of mother and son) was able to meet survivors of Fort Dimanche, a former prison under the dictatorship of François Duvalier. For around ten years, the winner of the last edition of The world destination racein 1998-1999, spoke with these broken men, almost all of whom are now deceased.

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