“We will not pick the pockets of the middle classes”, promises the government spokesperson

The Prime Minister “does not refrain from moving in the direction of greater tax justice” and plans to ask “the most fortunate” to contribute more.

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franceinfo – with France Bleu Poitou

Radio France


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Maud Bregeon, government spokesperson, guest of France Bleu Poitou, September 27, 2024. (FRANCE BLEU POITOU / RADIO FRANCE)

In the event of a tax increase, “we will not pick the pockets of the middle classes” promises Maud Bregeon, spokesperson for Michel Barnier’s government, guest of France Bleu Poitou on Friday September 27. “It is up to the Prime Minister to specify this in his general policy declarationshe continues.

She assures that there will be no “no general increase in taxes in France” and that “It is not from the French people who work who often have difficulty making ends meet, it is not from them that we should ask for the national effort today”concludes Maud Bregeon.

The new Minister of the Economy, Antoine Armand, had already indicated on Tuesday on France Inter that taxes on the middle classes will not be increased, but that “targeted levies on the wealthiest households” And “on businesses” are under study.

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