the adventure playground, a play and construction space


Video length: 4 min

Childhood: the adventure playground, a space for play and construction
The adventure playground, a place designed by the Allumette association, offers children the chance to build their own cabins for free while learning how to use tools.
(France 2)

The adventure playground, a place designed by the Allumette association, offers children the chance to build their own cabins for free while learning how to use tools.

The Allumette association has created adventure playgrounds, a free place where children can build their own playground. “We have about 1000 m² and the special feature is that there are lots of trees.”explains Morgane Cardineaud, the association’s facilitator. In this municipal garden, all adventures are allowed. During a workshop reserved for children, saws, axes and hammers are self-service.

“The adventure playground is really a space of freedom where we tinker, we build cabins”, explains a mother. The children learn to use the tools without hurting themselves. They then go to the construction site: a tangle of huts made up of small bridges and secret trapdoors. Everyone can contribute their stone and creativity to the construction site, which began in 2021. The children are not allowed to break other people’s huts, but can intervene and improve them constantly.

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