the success of France Services, which facilitates access to public services

This is one of the issues awaiting the new Prime Minister and his team: improving access to public services. Five years after the creation of the France Services spaces, the Court of Auditors highlights their interest but is concerned about their financing.


Reading time: 5 min

Lynda, an employee of La Poste, helps Karen, who has come to complete a civil status procedure that day in Pouilly-sur-Loire, in Nièvre. (AGATHE MAHUET / FRANCE INFO / RADIOFRANCE)

To reduce the territorial divide in terms of access to public services, the new government could draw inspiration from what was put in place after the “yellow vest” crisis:the creation of “France services houses or spaces”. One-stop shops that bring public services closer to users, particularly in small towns. Example in Pouilly-sur-Loire, a town of 1,600 inhabitants in Nièvre, where the network of these counters seems to have found its audience.

HASIn the heart of the post office,in the “France services” space set up two and a half years ago, Karen, a young retiree, made an appointment that morning for a civil status procedure. “I would like to know where my father is, as I no longer have any contact with him, to know if I can benefit from the survivor’s pension, in case he dies”she explains. But this is not the first time she has used this counter: “II’ve had quite a few appointments, which have often gotten me out of complicated situations“, she admits, laughing.

“When you can’t do something at the computer level, it becomes psychologically very hard, you can’t sleep, it’s hell.”

Karen, a young retiree

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To help her, Lynda, an employee of the Post Office in Pouilly, received special training. “II volunteered to do my France Services mission in addition to La Poste.she says. With a second agent, she assists users in their requests for registration cards or income tax returns. Now that everything is done online, it is constantly necessary reassure them, explain to them that we can always find a solution”, describes Lynda. And according to Karen, it fills a void for the entire surrounding countryside. Frankly, we feel completely abandoned here.she laments. Even the tax office has closed in Pouilly, you have to travel every time, it’s far. It’s really the easiest there.”

Two chairs, a computer, a printer and above all this human contact which changes everything. “It’s a huge difference.she assures. Every time I leave, I thank them, I smile from ear to ear and I say phew.”

“You really have to trust the person in front of you, especially when you’re talking about very personal subjects.”

Karen, young retiree

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But it doesn’t always happen in a post office. Sometimes people find this help on a bus. managed by a social center. This is the case in Narcy, a small village of 500 inhabitants. On market day, the France services bus set up for the morning, in front of the three stands: a caterer, a market gardener and a butcher-delicatessen. After doing their shopping, Sylvie made an appointment: “We do the shopping and at the same time, we do the paperwork”she rejoices.

Bus France Services, in the village of Narcy (Agathe Mahuet / RADIOFRANCE)

For three years, the bus has been traveling all week to ten towns around La Charité-sur-Loire. “It’s ideal, it saved me from having to go all the way to Nevers to do my Cnav (National Old Age Insurance Fund) paperwork”says Sylvie, who comes for new information about his retirement. Advisor Vanessa is waiting for him in the vehicle, as big as a camper van, and they begin the interview by speaking informally.

“Can you make room for me on the bus? I’m here to see if I’m entitled to more with my pension…”

Sylvie, retired

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Another request for assistance: an old lady comes to Vanessa with a letter to write. “M“I have the letter, I don’t know how to turn it, I don’t know how to put it”she explains. Vanessa faces all types of requests: “There are people who even come for mobile plan renewals, box installation, to pay for water, she saysit’s really very broad !”

Vanessa helping Sylvie, on the France Services bus. (Agathe Mahuet / RADIOFRANCE)

The France Services program is therefore working well, but can it last over time? This is precisely what worries the Court of Auditors. These more than 2,800 France Services spaces really contribute to reducing the territorial divide, but on condition that their financing is secured. The State should increase its support, because today it is mainly the communities and associations that finance.The Court of Auditors also highlights the need to promote the profession of France Services advisor, in particular with better salary attractiveness.

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