Centrist MP Olivier Falorni does not want to “start from scratch” on the issue of end of life.
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The bill tabled by Olivier Falorni is “exactly the text as it was at the time of the dissolution”, explains the centrist MP, Tuesday, September 24 on franceinfo. This initiative is co-signed by 166 MPs from nine different parliamentary groups, including the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet who wants the text to be “re-examined in the Assembly before the end of the year”. “This is extremely important for the sick, the families and the millions of French people who are waiting for this law,” believes the elected representative of Charente-Maritime, general rapporteur of this bill on the end of life.
“We will not start from scratch,” Olivier Falorni emphasizes, specifying that “These hundreds of hours of hearings, commissions, sessions, are not thrown away”The examination of the initial text had been interrupted by the dissolution of the National Assembly announced by Emmanuel Macron, before a first vote which was to take place on June 18.
Olivier Falorni asks the Prime Minister not to “take a position on the substance of the text, but give the necessary time for debate” to its examination and vote. “I know that within his government there are fierce opponents,” the MP points out. He believes that “the text can find a majority” in this new Assembly, where “The configuration is a little more favourable than in the previous legislature, notably because the left-wing forces have increased.”