The twenty or so measures presented aim to reduce exposure to noise pollution by 30%, especially linked to road noise, and protect the 500,000 residents of the Paris region who suffer the most from it.
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Down with noise pollution. The Ile-de-France region announced on Tuesday, September 24, a “anti-noise plan” of 100 million euros to reduce noise pollution by 2030, particularly on the roads of the Paris region. Around twenty measures, presented by the President of the Regional Council Valérie Pécresse (LR), aim to reduce exposure to these parasitic noises by 30%, while protecting the 500,000 residents of the Paris region who suffer the most from them.
According to a survey of 3,000 residents of the Paris region, 48% of the most annoying noises are related to transport, including 32% to road traffic, 8% to air traffic and 3% to rail traffic, explained Valérie Pécresse at a press conference. The regional plan will focus its efforts on the 100 main “blackheads” identified in all departments of the Paris region, particularly Hauts-de-Seine and Seine-Saint-Denis.
The project aims to “Divide noise pollution by five” for residents along the 150 km of noisiest roads, by encouraging the installation of noise barriers and soundproofing coatings on the roads. “Financial commitments under the new State-Region plan contract will increase by 55% to reach 28 million euros”details the region.