Boxer Estelle Mossely was the “Grand Témoin” guest of Club info on Sunday.
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“The priority for sport in France is to succeed in creating this legacy of the Paris 2024 Games by perpetuating the fervour that there was around sport,” pleaded, Sunday, September 22, the boxer Estelle Mossely, guest “Grand témoin” of the Club info, the day after the appointment of Gil Avérous to the Ministry of Sports. Estelle Mossely asks the new minister to continue “to develop high-level sport” while “affecting amateur sport”. Because according to her, it is “basically” these amateur clubs “who strive to bring about sports practice”.
The boxer also makes a “stake” who him “cares about”. She wants a link to be created. “with the Ministry of National Education”. “For me, sport at school is a priority. It would help resolve a lot of social problems that we encounter at school. And sport is healthy. So there’s nothing like educating young people to play sport.”
Estelle Mossely, 2016 lightweight world champion and 2016 lightweight Olympic champion in Rio, is a candidate for the presidency of the French Boxing Federation. She intends to give “new energy for the French Boxing Federation”The champion noted during her travels in France that the clubs “have been somewhat neglected in recent years”. So there is a “need to create links again with the clubs, with those who do sport, with those who do boxing”. She calls for a return to “The essential.” “Without coaches, there are no boxers, and without boxers, there is no boxing.”
Estelle Mossely hopes, if she is elected head of the federation, to “bring back more licensees”. “Today, we have 65,000 members. It is essential to carry out real work on this to bring back more members, more enthusiasts.” She also wants “develop another way of boxing” as “aeroboxing”, “ways of practicing boxing that are aimed at a female audience”, but also “handisport which has been somewhat sidelined and which we have not seen at the Paralympic Games”. “There is real work to be done in terms of handisport.” The champion wants “to show that boxing is a noble sport, an accessible sport, a sport that allows you to develop personally, physically and mentally.”
Estelle Mossely points again “a big challenge” of the French Boxing Federation. According to her, there is “professionals who are not really professional, who do not earn their living”, and amateurs “who no longer really know which foot to dance on.” She emphasizes that boxing “is threatened at the 2028 Olympic Games.” “That is really an essential question that will have to be resolved in the coming months.”adds Estelle Mossely.