Around sixty rallies were announced, according to the LFI website, at the time when the Prime Minister was finalising the composition of a right-wing government.
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Second day of mobilization against the “Macron-Barnier” tandem. Several thousand people demonstrated from Paris to Marseille, via Bordeaux, on Saturday, September 21, to denounce the appointment of the new Prime Minister, at the call of France Insoumise, environmentalists and feminist, student and environmental associations. Around sixty rallies were announced in France, according to the LFI website, at the time when Michel Barnier was finalizing the composition of a government marked by the right, more than two months after legislative elections won without an absolute majority by the left-wing coalition.
But these calls for demonstrations were poorly followed. There were 3,200 people marching in Paris, according to the police headquarters, compared to 26,000 on September 7, according to the same source. Elsewhere in France, there were only 2,200 demonstrators in Marseille, 400 in Bordeaux, some 200 in Angoulême and Nantes, and a hundred in Strasbourg. LFI aimed to“increase popular pressure” after the day of September 7, which brought together throughout France between 110,000 left-wing demonstrators, according to the authorities, and 300,000, according to the organizers.