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Nearly 150 objects are brought together this weekend in a fully restored 14th century chapel.
The Saint-Piat chapel offers a magnificent setting for the cathedral’s treasure, presented on two levels. The nice surprise of the restoration work was the discovery of 14th century wall paintings in the chapter house on the ground floor.
On these frescoes, a major discovery: “Under the whitewash, that is to say the paint applied to the walls, a representation of Chartres Cathedral under construction was discovered”explains Irène Jourd’heuil, curator of historic monuments.
“We are particularly lucky to have in this image the representation of the North Tower which disappeared at the beginning of the 16th century. This discovery was absolutely major because it is the oldest representation of the cathedral. A major discovery also because we also have here the representation of a medieval construction site. Something that was totally new”, insists Irène Jourd’heuil.
The chapter house houses two sets of medieval sculptures, some from the rood screen which closed the choir, others from the royal portal of the cathedral. “These are column statuesdescribes the curator. Six very tall statues dating from the middle of the 12th century, which were removed in the 1970s for conservation reasons and replaced on the façade by stone copies.
The largest part of the treasure is displayed on the upper floor, enriched for this reopening by deposits such as this 16th century altarpiece, loaned by the Louvre Museum. Among the exceptional pieces is a 13th century tabernacle. “This piece is indeed exceptionalconfirms Fabienne Audebrand, curator of antiques and art objects at the DRAC Centre-Val de Loire, not only by its size, its materials, enameled plates from Limoges from the 1240s, its rarity too since two examples in the world are known, the other is in the United States and the particular iconography, not only of the central part which represents the crucifixion but of the exterior shutters which is in fact the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of large hands with blood on the apostles”.
The treasure also contains unique pieces : pieces of royal armour and necklaces of shell beads donated by two North American tribes in the 17th century. Also discovered in a neo-Gothic reliquary is a small piece of the Virgin’s veil, the most important part of the veil still on display within the cathedral itself.
The treasure of Chartres Cathedral to be discovered during these Heritage Days – Guided tour with Anne Chépeau.