“In most cases, UFC-Que Choisir is right,” according to a pharmacovigilance expert

Milou-Daniel Drici nevertheless calls for “caution”.


Reading time: 1 min

Capsules of a medicine (illustrative photo). (AMAURY BLIN / HANS LUCAS)

Eight out of ten expired drugs remain 90% effective, according to a study by UFC-Que Choisir, published on Thursday, September 19. “In most cases, UFC-Que Choisir is right”says Milou-Daniel Drici, director of the regional pharmacovigilance center of Nice-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

It is still necessary to proceed with “caution”tempers the professor, also an expert of the European Commission with the European Medicines Agency. “If it’s tablets,” we can “generally” consume them after their expiration date, explains Milou-Daniel Drici.

On the other hand, “liquid forms are absolutely to be avoided”. Some preservative components have a “limited life span”. Without them, germs can appear in the medicine, explains the professor. He also warns about antibiotics.Giving an antibiotic that is 80% effective can lead to risks of germ resistance”explains Milou-Daniel Drici.

The French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products told franceinfo that it has begun discussions with manufacturers to extend the official shelf life of their drugs. The equivalent of the ANSM in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has already taken this type of measure, says Milou-Daniel Drici. It had requested and obtained extensions on the use of army drugs, “more than six years” after their expiration date.

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