The National Rally’s bill to repeal the text was deemed admissible by the Assembly

The far-right party intends to have its text, which would reverse the postponement of the retirement age from 62 to 64, examined during its parliamentary slot, scheduled for October 31.



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The president of the National Rally deputies, Marine Le Pen, on September 14, 2024 in Paris. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

The National Assembly’s bureau has deemed admissible the bill to repeal the pension reform, tabled by the National Rally (RN), on Wednesday, June 18, according to parliamentary sources at France Télévisions. The members of the bureau voted 10 for, and 7 against. The far-right party, which had submitted this bill on September 12, intends to defend its text during its parliamentary niche, scheduled for October 31.

The bill, consulted by franceinfo, proposes to re-establish “the age of entitlement to 62 years”against 64 years for the Macronist reform, adopted in 2023. The explanatory statement of the text, signed by Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the Assembly, and the deputy Thomas Ménagé, denounces “injustice” of the reform while denouncing “the method used for [la] TO DO adopt”.

The law enacting the postponement of the retirement age was in fact adopted thanks to the use of article 49.3 of the Constitution by the Prime Minister at the time, Elisabeth Borne, despite the huge demonstrations provoked by the reform.

The RN insists on the ““Need to repeal an unfair and ineffective reform” and proposes a short text of three articles. The first aims to restore the retirement age to 62 years “from the 1955 generation” instead of 64 years from the generation born in 1968. The second article concerns the contribution period for obtaining a full-rate pension. The last article proposes financial compensation measures.

In detail, the National Rally wishes to set the required contribution period at “168 quarters” or 42 annuities for persons born in 1961. Currently, the law provides that, in the long term, insured persons contribute at least 172 quarters. “This measure aims to guarantee people eligible for the so-called ‘career’ system long’ to be able to benefit from a truly early departure”specifies the bill proposed by the far-right party.

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