What is Emmanuel Macron playing at?



Following the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by the President of the Republic, political scientists and political journalists answer your questions in the franceinfo Talk, on Twitch.

A few hours after the results of the European elections, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron announced the surprise dissolution of the National Assemblyand the organization of early legislative elections from June 30 for the first round and July 7 for the second.

HAS What is Emmanuel Macron playing? What recomposition, on the left as on the right? How the RN is preparing for Matignon ? Come ask all your questions and chat with the guests of the franceinfo Talk, for a special dissolution stream. With Ludovic Pauchant and the franceinfo political service, political scientists Olivier Rouquan and Jean-Christophe Gallien, political communicator Emilie Zapalski, Stéphane Zumsteeg, director of the Opinion and Politics department of Ipsos, and Pablo Pillaud-Vivien, editor-in-chief of Regards.

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