packaging, utensils… 3,601 chemicals in the body


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Health: packaging, utensils… 3,601 chemical products in the body
Health: packaging, utensils… 3,601 chemical products in the body
(France 2)

A rather worrying study, published on Tuesday, September 17, listed all the chemical substances found in our bodies. There are at least 3,601 of them. They most often come from the packaging of our food or from kitchen utensils.

They have insinuated themselves into our plates in an invisible and insidious way. The eternal pollutants, phthalates, bisphenol… Chemical substances that are found in very large quantities in our bodies. 3,601 in total according to a study published on Tuesday, September 17. They are detected in our blood, our skin or even our plasma. The harmful components come from materials that come into contact with food, such as frying pans for example.

Beyond kitchen utensils, food packaging also contains chemicals. Of all those detected, 80 are considered extremely worrying for health. A consumer association is calling for more stringent regulations. From the consumer’s point of view, there is little room for maneuver. It is possible to avoid packaging by consuming bulk, for example. This is too limited a solution for a much larger problem.

Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology study

Non-exhaustive list

source site-14