“A personal decision by the president”, denounces the rebellious Manuel Bompard

Emmanuel Macron used the resignation of European Commissioner Thierry Breton “to relocate one of his friends”, denounces the rebellious MP. When there is “real cohabitation”, the nomination press release must be co-signed by the Prime Minister, he points out.


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Emmanuel Macron accompanied by Stéphane Séjourné, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, in April 2024. ( / MAXPPP)

“It’s a double humiliation,” reacts the rebellious coordinator, Manuel Bompard, Tuesday, September 17 on franceinfo, the day after the resignation of Thierry Breton from his post as European Commissioner for the Internal Market, victim of his execrable relations with Ursula von der Leyen. While the president must announce the Constitution of the new European Commission for the next five years, Emmanuel Macron has proposed a close friend, Stéphane Séjourné, resigning Minister of Foreign Affairs, to replace Thierry Breton.

“It is first of all a humiliation for France because clearly, Mrs von der Leyen dismissed, fired, just like that, Mr Breton, and it is a humiliation for Mr Barnier,” summarizes Manuel Bompard. The Insoumis coordinator denounces the fact that the candidacy of Stéphane Séjourné was not proposed by the new Prime Minister, but by the president himself. “In 1999, when there was real cohabitation, the press release appointing the French commissioner was signed by both the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister. The truth is that Emmanuel Macron used this situation to relocate one of his friends who will no longer be able to be in government.”believes Manuel Bompard. The rebel denounces “a personal decision of the president.”

According to him, it is time for the president to understand “that he lost the elections” and that he must “take into account the results of the ballot boxes”. “For weeks and weeks, we have been witnessing, one by one, denials of democracy”continues Manuel Bompard. The Insoumis coordinator calls on the French “not to let it happen without reacting”. “There are demonstrations that will take place on Saturday, September 21, all over France, at the call of youth organizations and associations. I invite you to join them. It is a question of honor and dignity”he concluded.

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