But “we will do everything to ensure that it is repealed,” assures the national secretary of the French Communist Party.
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“We will do everything, everything in our power so that [la réforme des retraites] be repealed”, assures Monday, September 16 on France Inter Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party. Asked about the instructions to adopt in the face of the proposed law to repeal the pension reform that the National Rally has tabled, Fabien Roussel indicates that his party will debate it during its parliamentary day on Thursday. The RN text must be examined during a day reserved for its proposed laws, its parliamentary “niche”, scheduled for October 31.
“The communist deputies will decide and announce it to you, but we judge the texts, the ideas, and not necessarily those who carry them”adds Fabien Roussel. He believes, however, that “They are liars [au RN] regarding pension reform” which they want to increase to 42 years. “He said it [Jordan] Bardella, with them, the French will retire at 65-66-67 years old”he continues, denouncing “a political coup with this niche”while “They are not the ones who will defend the retirement of the French.”
“We will see if the text reaches the niche”qualifies the secretary of the PCF who says he does not want “to get our heads in knots before it gets into the niches”. “What matters is: ‘is it useful for our fellow citizens? Can it help repeal the pension reform or not?’ And I repeat, we will do everything to ensure it is repealed.”he concluded.