At the Fête de l’Humanité, Dominique de Villepin mocks Michel Barnier’s choice at Matignon

Invited to speak on international issues, the former Prime Minister of Jacques Chirac gave his support to the New Popular Front in front of a visibly won over audience.



Reading time: 2 min

Dominique de Villepin, at the Fête de l'Humanité, September 15, 2024. (BASTIEN OHIER / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP)

Has Dominique de Villepin become the left’s favourite right-wing man? The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister under Jacques Chirac was invited to the Fête de l’Humanité in Essonne on Sunday 15 September to to speak out on international issues and conflict resolution, particularly in Gaza.

Yes, itEvery year, the organizers of the Fête de l’Huma invite right-wing personalities to have “contradictory debates“, in the case of Dominique de Villepin, the interview was intended to talk”points of convergence“.

And it was to the applause of an already won over audience that Dominique De Villepin developed his positions on the war in Gaza and criticized Israeli policy: “Liquidating Hamas is not liquidating the Palestinians or the Palestinian question“, he assumes at the microphone of this “major interview”, questioned by Sébastien Crépel, co-editor of Humanityand Rosa Moussaoui, editor-in-chief of Humanity.

Then, questioned on the nomination of LR Michel Barnier to Matignon, Dominique De Villepin mocked his former political family. “The party that comes last forms the government.he says amidst boos. So, recognize that there is merit in this choice, it is that it gives credence to the evangelical word: the first will be last and the last will be first.” Already on September 12, on France Inter, Dominique de Villepin had warned that Michel Barnier would have to “to seek legitimacy with one’s hands, to build it”highlighting the strengths of “know-how, negotiator and experience” and some “oddities” who make “the new policy” of today.

This Sunday, the former Prime Minister took the opportunity to support the new Popular Front: “There is a force that came out on top, we had to give it a chance”he says to the audience, visibly won over. Thus, at the end of the interview, many take out their phones to take a picture of him, like Marie-Claude, who rushed to the stage to hand a note to Dominique de Villepin: “II address him to say a big thank you. I am not right-wing, I have never been right-wing… But he is a great man!

In the crowd, someone then shouts: “Why are you right-wing?“Dominique De Villepin did not respond…

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