“ReRUN”, Sara-Danielle | Le Devoir

With ReRUNSara-Danielle invites us into her inner world, where the softness of pop blends harmoniously with a captivating groove — like a perfect prelude to autumn. This debut album from the artist, who describes herself as a follower of the ” ginger soul “, demonstrates a remarkable mastery of emotional and musical balance. ReRUN is a veritable whirlwind of sensations, as each song unfolds like a vibrant fabric of intimate and introspective experiences. The high-caliber collaborations, including Christian Sean Trudel on co-production and the duo Flying Away with Anna Majidson, also contribute to creating a delicate sound atmosphere. The pieces Strong And Cried Way Too Muchin particular, stand out for their power during particularly striking suspended moments. Sara-Danielle, who already captured the public’s attention with her previous microalbum Another Selfstands out thanks to his artistic sensitivity and his unique view of the world.


★★★ 1/2

Sara-Danielle, Simone Records

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