Montreal-North mourns Don Karnage | Press

Musician and community leader Don Harley Fils-Aimé, aka Don Karnage, passed away on Tuesday, the organization he had headed since 2013, Culture X confirmed on Wednesday.

Posted at 12:21

Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin

Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin

The rapper, who notably became known with the clip Don One on Musique Plus, left an indelible mark on Montreal-North. Culture X offered free music, singing and writing lessons.

“For those who had the good fortune to meet him, he was a teacher, a friend, a mentor, a coach, an entrepreneur, a motivator, an artist, a star, a philosopher, an outstanding communicator, a musician , an actor, a producer, a generous being, loved by all, ”lists the organization on its Facebook page.

Christine Black, mayor of the Montreal-Nord borough, said she was deeply saddened by the loss of a “pillar” at an already difficult start to the year. “He will have inspired and accompanied a significant number of young North Montrealers,” she wrote on Twitter. His departure affects our entire community. Committed, passionate and above all in love with Montreal-North, I would like to thank him for everything he has done. ”

The Minister of Education of Quebec, Jean-François Roberge, meanwhile hailed in a tweet the “exceptional contribution of Don Harley Fils-Aimé, alias Don Karnage, who has inspired so many young people with his lessons and his art. ”

“We just lost a giant, a monument to our community and a friend I knew from my youth who is still an inspiration to me,” documentary filmmaker and community worker Will Prosper wrote on Facebook.

Indigenous activist and columnist Maïtée Sanagash appealed to the mayoress of Montreal, Valérie Plante, on Twitter, so that the legacy of Don Harley Fils-Aimé be underlined in a lasting way. “I hope that the city will do its duty of memory and honor the legacy of Don Karnage. We want its history to be visible and concrete in the urban landscape of Montreal. ”

According to the HHQC site, Don Harley Fils-Aimé would have succumbed to cancer. He is notably survived by his wife and three children.

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