Bullying: Open your eyes to make the nightmare stop



How to end the scourge of bullying at school? This is the subject of the franceinfo Talk on September 28. Ludo Pauchant collects the testimonies of Anne-Liz Déba, Elian Potier and Pierre Bonneyrat and receives Nora Fraisse, founder of the association Marion la Main Tendue, Samuel Comblez, director of operations of the association e-Enfance

Gabriel Attal, the Minister of National Education, announced on September 27 that reports of school bullying have increased considerably since the start of the school year: “Field alerts” have been “multiplied by three these last weeks” compared to last year’s return.

According to government estimates, one in ten students on average is affected by bullying at school. To address this scourge, the government presented a three-pronged interministerial plan : “Our plan is 100% prevention, 100% detection, 100% solutions.“, said the Prime Minister.

On the prevention side, the government wants students and parents to be systematically made aware of harassment in schools and cyberbullying.The best way to fight is to raise awareness, explain and prevent“, indicated Élisabeth Borne. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Education announced the establishment of empathy courselike the Denmarkwhich will be generalized in schools from the start of the 2024 school year.

The second part of the interministerial plan is the detection. Students from CE2 to 3ème will fill out a questionnaire to better detect cases of harassment. This quiz allow “to have a clearer vision” of what school bullying is, according to Professor Marcel Rufo. In this context, teachers and staff of National Education will be better trained to detect any form of bullying at school.

Last part, the solutions. The Prime Minister announced the referral “systematic“from the public prosecutor”in case of reporting of harassment”, notably through a dedicated platform between the National Education and Justice. Students found guilty will be able to change schools. If harassment takes place within the school premises, it is also present on social networks. The government has therefore announced the confiscation of mobile phonetemporarily or permanently, by court order.

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