Teachers’ strike: Black Thursday for parents and businesses that must organize


France 2

Article written by

S. Soubane, J. Wild, D. Sebastien, J. Bigard, G. Le Goff, JP. Rivalain, F. Lemoal, J. Codier, France 3 Poitou-Charentes – France 2

France Televisions

Almost half of primary schools will be closed tomorrow, January 13, in protest of the management of the covid in schools. A mobilization of this magnitude has not taken place for 20 years. A real headache for parents and businesses who need to organize themselves for this special day.

Finding out who will be able to babysit is today’s challenge for parents. Thusday January 13 is shaping up to be Black Thursday, with nearly half of primary schools closed. A father explains that he must stay at home with his children, because teleworking is not possible.I have to work Saturdays and Sundays, because when I lose a day, I have to get it back every time “, he laments. Work from home, RTT or calling grandparents are other solutions that parents find.

In a personal assistance agency, many employees will not be able to come and provide their service tomorrow, held at home to take care of their children.A fifth of our workforce is expected to be absent. It’s a little over 15 people tomorrow“declares Merona Old age, head of the agency. According to the unions, nearly 75% primary school teachers will take part in the strike movement.

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