Nursing homes in serious financial difficulty


Video length: 2 min

Health: EHPADs in great financial difficulty
Health: Nursing homes in serious financial difficulty

Two out of three nursing homes are said to be in deficit, this is largely linked to inflation in recent years. The consequence: a lack of staff and a lack of investment in equipment.

At tea time in a nursing home near Rouen (Seine-Maritime), people sing and do a few dance steps. Smiling residents, who are not aware of the financial difficulties the establishment is experiencing. “We are very well here”assures a pensioner. As in two out of three establishments in France, the Ehpad is in deficit: 220,000 euros of debt. On the floor above, that of the very dependent elderly, the nursing assistants do not stop, there are only 3 for 20 residents. “We don’t take care of it as best we can. There aren’t many of us,” regrets a nursing assistant The care is still being delivered too quickly, the staff continues to run after time.

No hiring is planned and replacements, in the event of absence, are too expensive. In 2023, the nursing home increased its rates, the State released an emergency envelope for all public establishments but it was not enough to compensate for inflation. +5% for the electricity and heating bill, work to insulate the dilapidated building was planned, it is postponed. The director does not rule out having to close one of his five establishments soon.

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