MAC Ball 2024 | Phantasmagoria for the museum’s 60th anniversary

The prestigious ball of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (MAC), which takes place on September 14 at the brand new Royalmount, celebrates this year the 60th anniversary of the museum institution. The event, which will be of great magnitude, will be an opportunity to highlight the past, but above all to imagine the future of the museum in full transformation.

Since the MAC is still under renovation, and will be until 2028, choosing the Royalmount to hold the evening made sense, says businessman and philanthropist Stephen Bronfman. “The Royalmount is a major project for Montreal, like the reconstruction of the MAC,” emphasizes the honorary co-chair of the evening, along with Julie Couture, Chair of the Board of Directors of the MAC Foundation, and Laurent Ferreira, President and CEO of National Bank.

While celebrating the museum’s cultural heritage acquired during its six decades of existence, the evening provides an opportunity to maintain ties with the Montreal community during the reconstruction. “The ball and the events are very important to stay in the minds of the general public during a somewhat difficult time,” says Mr. Bronfman, who is also involved in the major fundraising campaign for the Fondation du MAC and who is himself celebrating his 60th anniversary this year.

Julie Couture notes that the institution and the ball are already “tattooed” on the hearts of many Quebecers.

The MAC Ball is one of the most popular of the season and has attracted many people from the business and arts communities since its inception to support and raise funds for the museum.

“It’s something really chic and fun, that everyone is waiting for,” adds Stephen Bronfman. “It shows the importance of culture and the arts here in Quebec and Canada.”

The most beautiful outfits

Glamour and mystery dictate as always the choice of outfits of the guests, who will dive into an immersive artistic atmosphere on Saturday. The evening’s theme, “Fantasmagoria,” chosen by the ball committee, reflects one of the MAC’s missions: to let oneself be carried away by imagination and creativity. “The MAC is the only place in Montreal where you see the future through art,” says Julie Couture. The honorary co-president of the ball, who has been involved with the Museum for years, also discovers new emerging artists and new art forms season after season thanks to the MAC, she says.

What can the 800 or so guests of the ball, whose artistic direction is provided by Anita Bombita, expect? Notably the unveiling of a work of art designed for the occasion. But also a dance floor occupied by guests who have been suggested to wear long, flowing dresses.

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