The deputy of the Somme and member of the national office of the RN was the guest of “franceinfo soir”, Tuesday September 10. He answered questions from Agathe Lambret.
Reading time: 13 min

“Either France has no government and it’s chaos, or we accept, which is for the moment one of the least bad solutions”said Jean-Philippe Tanguy, member of the RN national office and deputy for the Somme, on franceinfo on Tuesday, September 10, five days after Michel Barnier was appointed Prime Minister. The National Rally did not veto this appointment. Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, for their part, indicated that the new occupant of Matignon was “under surveillance”.
“We deal with reality”explains Jean-Philippe Tanguy. He points out “a left that wants to rewrite the results, wants to invent deputies that they do not have”while the RN “made with” the new Prime Minister. “For the moment, we have not censored a person who has not expressed contempt towards the National Rally and its representatives”underlines the RN elected official. “We are waiting for the political line and the measures that will be taken. That is what will ultimately determine our position.”
“We have always gone beyond the traditional right-left divides”Jean-Philippe Tanguy also points out, while Michel Barnier continues his consultations with the various political forces to form his government. The Prime Minister will notably meet with left-wing personalities. According to the RN MP, a left-wing minister does not necessarily represent a red line: “It depends on the political line”. He recalls that, in the past, “Marine Le Pen said that a person like Arnaud Montebourg was closer” of the National Rally “that many right-wing people”. “We like honest people who defend the national interest, so we’ll see.”adds the MP.
Jean-Philippe Tanguy points out, however, “particularly unbearable personalities such as Mr. Dupond-Moretti”He judges the Minister of Justice “particularly odious not only with the National Rally, but with (political) representatives in general.”