“Further investigation”. Donald Trump, the strategy of chaos


Video length: 90 min

This live stream starts on 09/12/2024 at 10:55 p.m.

How will Donald Trump react if he loses the American election in November 2024? Will he accept his defeat or will he try once again to contest the verdict of the ballot boxes? “Complément d’enquête” recounts the 60 days, in 2021, during which he did everything to remain president…

After his defeat against Joe Biden in 2020, the former president immediately cried conspiracy and denounced a rigged election leading to one of the greatest traumas of American democracy: the invasion of the Capitol by thousands of supporters heated to white heat by a fiery and now infamous speech by Donald Trump on January 6, 2021.

Three and a half years later, for the first time in the country’s history, the former president is now charged with conspiracy against the United States of America, accused of lying to stay in power at all costs.

Because according to investigators, this attack was not a spontaneous demonstration that degenerated… On the contrary, it would be the result of a deliberate political strategy and the American justice system accuses Donald Trump of being responsible for it.

Spreading false information on a large scale, putting pressure on state officials and elected officials, illegal schemes to destabilize institutions: “Complément d’enquête” recounts the 60 days during which Donald Trump did everything to remain president in defiance of the vote of American citizens.

Investigators, direct witnesses, accomplices and victims: the magazine’s team was able to collect exceptional testimonies, such as that of a high-ranking Republican elected official who received a phone call from Donald Trump himself ordering him to falsify the election results in his state, or that of one of the masterminds of the Trump clan, one of those who hatched the plan with the former president to overthrow Joe Biden.

Will Donald Trump ever answer for his actions in court? He rejects all the accusations and says he is being persecuted by the authorities. With his lawyers, he has filed multiple appeals to obtain immunity. If he is elected in November 2024, the holding of a trial seems more than compromised.

An investigation by Louis Milano-Dupont, Giona Messina, Marie Claudet and Stéphane Bidart.

The editorial team of “Complément d’enquête” invites you to comment on the program on Facebook or on X with the hashtag #ComplementDenquete.

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