Prime Minister Michel Barnier continues his consultations and will meet with MPs from the Macronist group

In parallel with the formation of his government, the new Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, begins Tuesday, September 10, a tour of the parliamentary groups of the center and the right, whose support is not totally acquired, starting with the Macronist elected officials. He is expected in Rosny-sur-Seine (Yvelines) in the evening, at the end of the parliamentary day of the deputies of the Ensemble pour la République group and their fellow senators. Follow our live.

Republicans ready to return to government. “The Prime Minister seems to have adopted our proposals and I believe that we will be able to participate in the government.”confided Gérard Larcher, the president of the Senate, in an interview with Figaro. “This seems logical to me because the dialogue that we have established with Michel Barnier is fluid and I have no doubt that he can provide us with the necessary guarantees. I have confidence in him.”

The budget file sits on the Prime Minister’s desk. Michel Barnier must ensure sufficient support in Parliament before the budget battle, which promises to be thorny. Before the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Bruno Le Maire, the resigning Minister of the Economy, claimed to be “on time to submit the 2025 budget to Parliament on October 1”.

Michel Barnier will also receive left-wing personalities. The entourage of the new Prime Minister informed France Télévisions that Michel Barnier would meet “coming soon with left-wing personalities”. And Matignon clarified that he “has already had some on the phone”.

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