Emmaüs association “considers” compensation for victims of sexual violence

A report states that there are 17 new accusations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre, some of which relate for the first time to acts that could be considered rape or involving minors.



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Abbé Pierre, founder of Emmaüs, on the set of "The March of the Century" December 19, 1988 in Paris. (GEORGES BENDRIHEM / AFP)

Emmaus International “re“flexes” to a form of compensation for the victims of Abbé Pierre, announced its general director Adrien Chaboche on Monday, September 9. These remarks follow a new wave of accusations of sexual violence targeting the priest who disappeared in 2007. “This is a very important issue that we are working on”said the head of the association, questioned on the issue of compensation on RTL.

Published Friday, a report commissioned by the Abbé Pierre Foundation, Emmaüs France and Emmaüs International reports 17 new accusations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre, some of which concern for the first time acts that could be similar to rape or involving minors. The three organizations reaffirmed their “full support” to the victims.

The Abbé-Pierre Foundation has notably stated that it has initiated steps to change its name and Emmaüs has announced the definitive closure of a memorial centre dedicated to Abbé Pierre in Esteville (Seine-Maritime).

“From now on, Abbé Pierre, for everyone and particularly for people who have been victims of violence in their lives, is the image of a sexual predator.”

Adrien Chaboche, director of Emmaüs International

on RTL

“Everything suggests” that in view “We still don’t know everything about the facts committed over such a long period of time.”he added. “There are certainly other facts, we expect to see other testimonies. The listening line remains open for the moment until the end of the year at least.”

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