François Hollande will vote for the motion of censure against Michel Barnier’s government

The PS-NFP MP for Corrèze believes that Michel Barnier will lead a right-wing policy, under the gaze of the National Rally.



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François Hollande, former President of the Republic, during a trip to Drôme in March 2024. (FABRICE ANTERION / MAXPPP)

The deputy and former president of the socialist Republic François Hollande, announced this Monday morning on France Inter that if a motion of censure is filed against the government of Michel Barnier, he will vote for it. “How do you expect us to give our agreement to this?”, he asks.

According to him, by placing the New Popular Front in the lead, the French “wanted to push aside the extreme right, for there to be change, for there to be an improvement in their purchasing power, a revision of the pension reform, better institutional practices, for there to be no continuity with Emmanuel Macron”. What the future government of Michel Barnier will not represent, he believes.

“It is a government that is right-wing, even if we will see its composition, and which depends only on the goodwill of the extreme right”deplores the former President of the Republic. “It was Marine Le Pen who gave the go-ahead for the appointment of Michel Barnier”points out François Hollande.

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