Justin Trudeau evaluates “with interest” the idea of ​​a tax on the unvaccinated

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, did not pronounce categorically on the “health contribution” proposed by Quebec to impose more unvaccinated adults.

“Obviously, we are awaiting more details on Quebec’s proposal, but we are certainly there to encourage people to be vaccinated,” Prime Minister said at a press conference on Wednesday.

Justin Trudeau dodged questions from reporters trying to get his point of view on the Legault government’s intention to impose a financial penalty of more than $ 100 on people not vaccinated against COVID-19.

“We will continue to be there to support the provinces which take additional measures”, he simply indicated, adding that in his opinion the federal government has already done everything it could to convince those who are still reluctant. vaccination. In particular, Ottawa made vaccination mandatory on planes and trains, as well as in federal workplaces.

More details will follow.

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