Jazz, a reality TV star, gets involved and makes painful revelations …

Never again ! We say it all too often but it does not seem to stop for all that… Indeed, cyber harassment, and harassment in general, is growing more and more and nothing seems capable of stopping it. Proof of this is, unfortunately, with a new victim on December 22. Mava Chou, whose real name is Maéva Frossard, famous YouTuber, killed herself a few days before Christmas. Victim of harassment on social networks in particular… A death which obviously affected everyone and more particularly the influencers who did not hesitate to speak after the tragedy.

Jazz, visibly very affected by the death of Mava Chou, decided to send a message through his Instagram account this Tuesday, January 11. As a reminder, Laurent’s companion also had to face a similar situation in 2019 as recalled by our colleagues from Close. “I’ve been pressured for weeks, I’ve been put into stories for weeks where I haven’t done anything!” My family and friends are harmed too. I have often thought more of others than of myself and today, because of everything I am going through, I made my baby suffer ”, she lamented a few years ago.

Today, it is a mother who therefore knows what she is talking about when she announces a big decision to her subscribers on social networks. “Look, Maeva took her own life because people on social media kept on going, in addition to her personal problems. Well, that should never happen again, ”she regretted. This is why she appealed to her followers to carry out a good deed: “I invite all famous people to come see me, if you are harassed in real life or on social networks, it doesn’t matter: it’s time to act. And we will act! In 2022, I will use my money wisely to do good ”. An excellent decision and a very beautiful project that the young mother detailed a little more in the rest of her announcement: “I am creating an email address for you today to help you! Not me directly, I am neither a shrink nor the police, but if you wish to be helped, write to me with your contact details and I will give you your information to the right people to save you ”. There is no doubt that Jazz will, unfortunately, collect a lot of distress messages… But this one at least has the merit of acting and trying to help people in need.

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