LIVE. Prime Minister Michel Barnier continues his consultations and has lunch with the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet

New Prime Minister Michel Barnier has begun consultations to form his government. He met former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne in the morning on Saturday 7 September and is hosting the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet for lunch. Follow our live coverage.

Some 150 gatherings recorded. The organizers announcedt “150 mobilization points across France”starting with Paris where the meeting is set for 2 p.m. at Place de la Bastille. The number one of the Communist Party Fabien Roussel will also be there, while the leader of the Ecologists Marine Tondelier will march in Lille. Before Michel Barnier’s appointment, the authorities were expecting a small turnout, of around 15,000 people in total, including 2,000 in the capital. A figure that has since been revised upwards, with now more than 30,000 demonstrators including 4,000 to 8,000 people expected in the capital, according to police sources.

“Nothing can be done without the RN,” says Jordan Bardella. Michel Barner “is a Prime Minister under surveillance”declared the president of the National Rally (RN). The RN chose to give him the “benefit of the doubt”. The fact of not having chosen “a priori censorship” does not mean that there will be no “censorship in the coming months”, he warned. “Nothing can be done without us”, he assured, demanding that Michel Barnier take into account “the subjects of the National Rally”.

First appointments. The new Prime Minister said on Friday evening that he was open to the participation of “left-wing people” in his future government. In the meantime, Michel Barnier has decided to appoint as his chief of staff Jérôme Fournel, current chief of staff of Bruno Le Maire, the resigning Minister of the Economy. The latter should tackle “two priorities” : the draft budget for 2025 which must be presented to the National Assembly on October 1, and the negotiation with Brussels, while France is placed in excessive deficit procedure.

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