umbrellas, the country’s color palettes


Video length: 3 min

Japan: Umbrellas, the country’s color palettes
Japan: Umbrellas, the country’s color palettes
(France 2)

Japan, one of the fashionable destinations, is the country of umbrellas, symbol of elegance and refinement. Report.

It’s the essential accessory of summer: the umbrella. In the streets of Tokyo (Japan), at the moment, it is everywhere, especially when the temperature rises to 40 degrees.I have my umbrella because with the temperatures rising, we feel clammy and I hate that.“, confides a resident.”Thanks to her, I have very white skin, and I can match my clothes according to the umbrella I carry.” explained another local resident.

The appearance of umbrellas in the archipelago dates back to the 6th century. At the time, only a very limited number of people could use them. In a workshop in Kyoto, craftsmen have been making umbrellas for 300 years. A meticulous technique: making an umbrella can take years and some can cost up to 1,300 euros. To make them, the craftsman uses bamboo, traditional Japanese paper, oil and lacquer. With global warming, the umbrella market is expected to expand further in Japan, as the accessory protects against the sun and heat.

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