What are the most anticipated reforms?



Video length: 2 min

Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister: What are the most anticipated reforms?
For Michel Barnier, governing without a majority is the beginning of a delicate mission. What reforms will he be able to adopt in this context? He is already promising changes and ruptures. In this context, the President of the National Assembly wants him to come and present his priorities during an extraordinary session.
(France 2)

Michel Barnier will have to govern without a majority, a delicate mission. He is expected with bated breath by the political parties on certain issues, notably the introduction of proportional representation in legislative elections and the repeal of the pension reform.

He has the confidence of the President of the Republic, but will Michel Barnier have that of the National Assembly? Since his appointment on Thursday, September 5, he has been threatened by the opposition on various issues. The first on this list is the budget. He has three weeks left to draw it up and present it. In a fragmented Assembly, the government will have to satisfy everyone if it does not want to fall too quickly.

Another project is that of proportional representation for the next legislative elections. While a new dissolution could occur in a year, all parties want this reform to be implemented, particularly the RN. The latter even made it a measure to avoid censoring the new government.

Finally, there is also the pension issue. The Prime Minister finds himself facing the RN and the left, who are demanding the repeal of the reform. Parties that are threatening to censure, and unions that are warning that they will take to the streets again. If he does not repeal it, “We call on employees to mobilize on October 1st”says Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT.

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