The two Frenchmen, already in gold and silver the day before in the time trial, once again dominated the rest of the peloton in the road race on Thursday, in their H3 category.
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Intractable. Already at the forefront on Wednesday in the time trial, Mathieu Bosredon and Johan Quaile swept the board again in the H3 road race on Thursday, September 5, bringing to 15 the total number of medals won by the French delegation on the roads of Clichy-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) in two days, including six titles.
After winning the 28.3 km time trial with more than two minutes ahead of all his opponents, the native of Brive-La-Gaillarde Mathieu Bosredon immediately escaped on a course twice as long (56.8 km), before being swallowed up by a group of pursuers after a puncture. Quickly getting back in touch, he immediately went back on the attack, only followed by his compatriot Johan Quaile, who quickly let go of his wheel. The two Tricolores then held their position until the finish line, replaying the time trial.