“He wanted to bring clarity,” assures Gilles Boyer, Renew MEP.

Gilles Boyer, Renew MEP, member of Horizons, was the guest of franceinfo on September 4, 2024. He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot.


Reading time: 12 min

Gilles Boyer, MEP Renew, member of Horizons. (VINCENT ISORE / MAXPPP)

“He wanted to bring clarity”assures Wednesday September 4 on franceinfo Gilles Boyer, MEP Renew, member of Horizons, after the announcement made by Édouard Philippe Tuesday [à l’hebdomadaire Le Point] to stand as a candidate in the next presidential election.

“Once he had made his decision definitively, he saw no reason to hide it from the French.”continues the MEP who repeats it, Édouard Philippe “wanted to be clear in his intentions and his plans”. “The ideahe explains, It’s about telling the French exactly what we want to do.”

Asked whether the former Prime Minister said he was ready even in the event of an early presidential election, Gilles Boyer replied that Édouard Philippe “simply said he would be a candidate in the next presidential election” and that “the hypothesis of an early presidential election is neither probable nor desirable”.

“It is set for the spring 2027 deadline”adds the MEP, who points out that the deadline is in less than three years: “There is a lot of work to be done to prepare for this election”.

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