Rugby players charged with rape return to France: “We have won this battle and now the media battle begins,” says their lawyer

The Argentine justice system has authorized the two rugby players, accused of rape, to return to France while awaiting the end of the investigation.


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Antoine Vey, one of the French lawyers of Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou, guest on franceinfo on September 4, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jegou, the rugby players charged with rape in Argentina “want to get back to their family, their club, sports competition”reacts Wednesday September 4 on franceinfo Antoine Vey, their lawyer, while the Argentinian justice authorized them to return to France. They will “trying to get their lives back on track”he said.

“We will win the legal battle in the coming days”rejoices Antoine Vey, because “There is no longer any doubt that the words of the person who accused them are no longer of a nature in themselves to lead to guilt.”According to him, the prosecutor believes that he “There are too many inconsistencies, too many things that have been said that have not been verified.” He assures that justice affirms that “This lady described events that could not have happened.”

“We won this battle and now a new one begins, the media battle,” summarizes the lawyer. Antoine Vey denounces the testimony of the complainant, who gave her version of the facts on France 2, because it “maintains confusion about what justice has said.”

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