A new generation of sanitary napkins and cups in preparation

Researchers are preparing a new generation of sanitary napkins and cups that are more effective and more comfortable. Unlike the current generation, it will not just absorb or collect blood. It will solidify it.


Reading time: 2 min

The powder, developed by a team of researchers from the Viginia Tec Institute in the United States, will transform blood into a sort of gel. This will prevent leaks and, above all, eliminate unpleasant sensations of humidity.

They also tested it in a menstrual cup with absorbent cotton. And they were surprised by the amount of liquid that could be stored this way, in solid form.

This technique, discussed on Wednesday, September 4, could improve the effectiveness of current sanitary protection. It should be remembered that their principle has hardly changed since Antiquity. The materials and shapes have evolved. Small fins, adhesives, pressures have been added, etc. But the basic principle has remained the same. Here, we go further than absorption: by transforming blood into a solid.

We remember the controversies surrounding certain disposable protections and their components deemed toxic. The researchers assure that they have only used natural products. In particular, a component found in algae and used in the manufacture of bandages. So everything would be entirely biodegradable.

It should also be noted that their product is not only intended to be used in disposable protection. It could also boost the effectiveness of washable towels and menstrual panties. When you have a heavy flow of periods, it would be enough to soak the absorbent part of your protection with their product to avoid humidity, for example.

But its availability is not for now. The innovation is just coming out of the laboratory. The details have been published in the scientific journal Matter. But the team still has to demonstrate that there is indeed no health risk before any industrialization. In any case, it is rather reassuring to finally see innovation in the comfort of menstrual protection. We hope to see others, now that most of the taboos have been lifted.

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