“Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen, it will always be the same policy, that of the European Union”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Wednesday January 12, meeting with Jérémy, 23, engaged alongside François Asselineau, candidate for the 2022 presidential election.

Head to the headquarters of the UPR, the Popular Republican Union, a political party created by pro-Frexit François Asselineau, candidate for the 2022 presidential election. In mid-December, the party launched its youth movement called “Generation A” “. For the young activists of this movement, the future of France depends on leaving the European Union. I met one of them, Jérémy, 23, deputy manager of the “UPR TV” channel and photographer.

No other candidate is proposing Frexit, that is to say leaving the European Union, the Euro and NATO.

Jérémy, 23 years old

to franceinfo

Jérémy discovered François Asselineau in 2016 “by chance on Facebook“. He was won over by Frexit, France’s exit from the European Union.”I grew up with Chirac, Sarkozy and Hollande, and I saw that it didn’t work, whether we were on the right or on the left“.

“I was taught that the European Union was freedom and that it was something great, but today in France, there are no longer many freedoms.”

Jérémy, 23 years old

to franceinfo

In 2017, the candidate François Asselineau had collected 0.92% votes in the first round, but that does not prevent Jérémy from activating. “For me, the UPR is today the only party that proposes to save France with regard to freedoms, equality and fraternity. I campaign to be able to have a real future in France, in my country“.

In 2022, Jérémy will vote for François Asselineau in the first round as in 2017, where he had “voted void“to the second.”Whether it’s Emmanuel Macron or even Marine Le Pen, it will always remain the same policy, that of the European Union“, concludes the activist.

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